(if (> (run unArc) 0) (message "lha reported an error when extracting\n" @app-name " to the destination path " @default-dest ".\n\nThis could either be a problem with how\nyour computer is setup or with the disk itself.\nTry running the HD-Setup Icon, and make sure you are running MultiExtract from the cover disk, it may be the destination " @default-dest " does not have enought room.\n\nIf problems persist ring 01625 878888 and ask for Amiga Computing Technical Help.\n\nPress Proceed To Continue." ))
(set counter (- counter 1))
(set @app-name "")
(complete 100)
(message "\n\n\n\nHopefully all your chosen files\nhave been extracted correctly!\n\nand can be found in " @default-dest)